Here's the entire puzzle explanation.
Show spoiler>>> Point the last reflector on the path of level 3 to the second to the last one (the only other one that you can move), and point that reflector to the leaf walkway at the base of the tree. Now, go back up the path a little and turn at the junction and go down a few steps. After you make sure the fish is in the transport ball by a pool with a bunch of vines in it, you'll spiral around the pool and walk by a message from Saavedro on his machine. You'll end up by the leaf walkway at the base of the big tree on level 2. Now, climb up the tree, making sure you don't exit off where you can go down another blue swing vine. You'll eventually get to the top, which is on level 3; you'll see another purple reflector and another sunflower. If you look into the sunflower, you'll see that it points to the pool. The light comes from the purple reflector behind it, after bouncing off a few others. So, point the purple reflector at the sunflower. Make your way back to the other purple reflectors on level 3 and point the last one on the path to the first one on the path (the only one that you can't move). The light should bounce off all the reflectors and make the plant the fish is in explode, just like the one way up on level 10. This will cause the fish to electrocute the vines and open up the trap that the bird is caught in, just like the model in Saavedro's room in J'nanin.